The Best of Select: Games Special 7
TboS Games Special 7.iso
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138 lines
README file for Galaxi game ... by Kurt W. Dekker
File Updated: January 10, 1996
Note: Galaxi is pronounced "gal-aks-eye" in case you're curious... :)
Registration information located at the bottom of this file.
System Requirements:
This program requires an IBM PC or compatible with at least VGA.
In general, faster systems will run the program more efficiently.
If the game is running too slow, press F4 to toggle on and off
frame dropping, which will improve performance on slower systems.
Sound Blaster Notes:
This program contains routines to play digital sound on a Sound
Blaster or compatible card. However, this program does NOT
contain autodetection routines. This program relies upon the
BLASTER= variable being set appropriately in your environment.
If the BLASTER= variable is set incorrectly, the program may
crash. If the BLASTER= variable is absent the program will
NOT attempt to use Sound Blaster sound.
Additionally you will need to have free EMS memory to hear
all digital sounds (they're too big to fit in conventional
memory). The sounds deemed "most important" to game play
will be loaded into conventional memory on a first-come, first-
served basis. To hear ALL sounds you will need enough EMS
free to fit the file GALSFX.DBO. Check free EMS with the
MEM command under DOS.
Freely distribute this game under the following condition: always
distribute the following files, contained in the original upload ZIPfile:
None of the following files may be modified!
GALAXI.EXE (main program)
README.GXI (this file)
GAL.GSO/.GSK (sprite data files)
GALSFX.DBO/.DBK (digitized sound files)
GALMAIN.LCR (artwork)
ORDER.TXT (shareware order form)
GAL.BAT (shortcut batch file)
GALAXIAN.BAT (shortcut batch file)
Primary Controls:
Cursor keys: left and right: maneuver your laser cannon
Space/Ctrl/Up Arrow: fire your laser cannon
Additional Keys:
[P] - pause the game ([P] or enter to restart)
[J] - toggle joystick on/off
[Ctrl-J] - calibrate joystick
[F1] - Review this file (HELP)
[F2] - Display high score chart
[F4] - Toggle frame dropping (for slower computers only)
[F5] - Toggle sound on/off
[F9] - Shell out to Dos (return with EXIT command from Dos)
[F10] - Quit game, go to menu
[ESC] - Quit game, go to DOS
Game Notes:
Galaxi is a tribute to the old 1980s game Galaxian and features
similar and familiar move and shoot routines for the aliens.
Your job is just like they said in the original arcade game:
Do this by blasting them with your laser cannon while maneuvering
to avoid enemy Chargers and Bombs.
Score Advance Table:
Alien Type In Convoy Charger
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Flagship 60 150/200/300/800
Red Alien 50 100
Purple Alien 40 80
Blue Alien (pawns) 30 60
Any time you lose all of your laser cannons (you start with four)
the game is over. Additional laser cannons may be earned for
every 10,000 points of scoring.
Play Hints:
Never sit still (at least not for long). Aliens aim directly for
your laser cannon and if it's within their range they will hit it
every single time. Keep moving so they can't draw a bead on it.
Aliens also dive for your cannon, swooping down at you in a "dive
bomb" approach pattern, varying depending on the color and type
of alien.
Additional Notes:
This software is provided "as-is," and I sincerely hope that you
enjoy playing the game. If you feel it is worthwhile, please
send your $10 shareware contribution to:
Kurt W. Dekker <kwd@netcom.com>
P.O. Box 10342
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
Internet Support:
Contact kwd@netcom.com for support via email. You may also check
the following sites for upgrades: